Imagine government services designed just like your favorite smartphone app: easy to use, quick to respond, proactive, and smart enough to understand what you need. This theme encourages government departments to adopt the perspective of their users — the citizens, residents, visitors, and businesses of the UAE. It's all about making every online service, app, or digital process—and even face-to-face interactions at service centers—as intuitive, accessible, and efficient as possible. By adopting this user-driven approach, government entities are encouraged to actively listen to their customers, view services and policies through the eyes of the users rather than from the entity's internal perspective, and deeply understand their needs and expectations. This means engaging in meaningful dialogue with the public, collecting feedback, and utilizing this insight to re-engineer services or redesign policies to better meet user needs. This could involve redesigning a website for easier information access, streamlining the application process for government services, or developing an app that combines several services into one platform. The goal is to ensure interactions with the government are as straightforward and hassle-free as your favorite app, making services not just digitally accessible but also approachable and user-friendly.

How can we understand the needs and preferences of visitors to Ajman based on different nationalities to design specialized tourism experiences and diverse tourism products?

Currently, statistical figures regarding the visitors to the emirate, their nationalities, age groups, and other statistical data are being reviewed. However, to design a trip plan for visitors and understand their diverse preferences, continuous insights are collected through intermittent surveys. There is a specific challenge in understanding their needs, interests, budgets, favorite activities, travel styles, and behaviors on a continuous and moment-by-moment basis. This data is not quickly analyzed to identify trends and patterns in tourist preferences, enabling the design of tourist experiences and customized travel packages. This contributes to facilitating options for visitors, encouraging them to visit Ajman, thereby increasing the number of visitors and their length of stay. This, in turn, contributes to boosting the emirate's tourism revenue. As there are various patterns among visitors, some prefer luxury and culture, others focus on safety and comfort, some prioritize activities and adventures, while others are interested in nature and sustainable practices. Additionally, there are those interested in medical tourism, relaxation, and business travel. These preferences depend on nationality, budget, and geographic region.

Ajman Tourism Development Department

How can we promote the culture of data sharing cross-government entities in Abu Dhabi?

There is set of data policies and standards to manage the lifecycle of data, and a platform to facilitate data exchange. However, requesters face challenges in locating the data and understanding its definitions. The use of government-wide platforms for sharing data between entities is limited. Also, outdated and complex legacy processes for data sharing make things even more difficult. Privacy concerns further slow down the willingness to share data. All these issues add up, creating a slow and complex system for sharing data across government entities. It's important to tackle these problems to create a smoother and more efficient data-sharing environment within the government.

Department of Government Enablement - Abu Dhabi

How can we empower every traveller through Dubai International (DXB), irrespective of their ability to read or write, and in any language, to voice their comments, suggestions and complaints about?

Diverse global travelers pass through Dubai Airports, bringing with them a wealth of experiences, insights and journey expectations. However, our Guests are not able to provide feedback or complaints adequately; this could be due to lack of presence on social media by Guests, language or literacy barriers; this presents a significant missed opportunity to capture a wealth of feedback to provide improved products and services.

Dubai Airports

How can psychological support be provided to victims of disasters and crises, offering them mental assistance to overcome negative psychological effects, especially for those working on the frontlines of first responders?

"Many individuals in society experience shocks due to disasters and crises, where necessary support is provided by the relevant official authorities in the country without paying attention to the subsequent effects of these shocks. This leads to fluctuations in the mental health of individuals (employees and affected individuals), affecting their ability to work and produce naturally in a phenomenon known as ""Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD)."" Its symptoms include anxiety, depression, and other mental and psychological health-related symptoms that may lead to negative reactions towards personal and professional aspects of an individual's life. The current situation lacks a centralized mechanism for directly and swiftly providing trauma-related psychological care to ensure the quality of life for individuals and society."

Dubai Police

How can students be assisted in using the internet and social media to showcase their achievements, develop their skills, and share their experiences, while ensuring privacy protection and secure usage on social media networks and the internet?

Providing a secure digital environment is a vital challenge within the Emirates Schools Establishment. With technological advancements and the integration of technology in education, teachers, students, and administrators face significant challenges related to digital security. These challenges include periodically updating security policies to keep pace with technological developments and combating the growing cyber threats. In this context, the importance of raising awareness about digital security risks emerges as a fundamental tool to ensure safe internet and technology use. Regular training for teachers and students is also necessary to enhance awareness of security issues and update their skills in addressing security challenges. Challenges also encompass protecting sensitive data and ensuring user privacy. Integrating data encryption solutions and enhancing access rights management systems are essential to address privacy-related challenges. On the other hand, ensuring the security of software and applications requires continuous monitoring and regular updates to enhance protection against ongoing cyber threats. The Emirates Schools Establishment is committed to continuous improvement, policy integration, and technological advancements to establish a secure and sustainable digital environment that supports effective and protected interaction between teachers and students.

Emirates Schools Establishment

How can communication and collaboration between parents and the schools' management be enhanced to help students overcome psychological and social challenges in school, including those with special needs, gifted students, and high achievers?

The current situation of the challenge highlights significant difficulties in establishing psychological and social support programs within schools, especially when targeting all student groups, including those with disabilities. The challenge involves providing a supportive environment that effectively promotes mental health and social interaction, requiring substantial investments in human and technological resources. Challenges also include emphasizing continuous training for teachers to understand and meet diverse student needs and ensuring the provision of individual support. Psychological and social aspects require more awareness and understanding, with the need to update educational policies and adopt an inclusive approach. The challenge also lies in providing a safe and non-discriminatory learning environment, necessitating infrastructure improvement and technological innovation integration to provide comprehensive learning experiences. Overall, the challenge requires shedding light on the importance of psychological and social support in the education system and providing the resources and political will to achieve this goal.

Emirates Schools Establishment

How can mosques and facilities of religious endowments be developed to become environmentally friendly and more sustainable?

The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments is the government organization responsible for managing mosques, Quran memorization centers, religious endowments, and pilgrimage affairs in the United Arab Emirates. It provides care, services, and development for these entities. Mosques and religious endowments attract a large number of visitors, leading to increased consumption and operational costs. Despite the growing number of mosques and religious endowments, the supporting resources for operation and sustainability are limited. This necessitates the exploration of innovative, environmentally friendly solutions that support sustainability and reduce operational costs.

General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowments

How can the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments enhance its role in reinforcing national identity in the UAE society?

The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments is considered one of the organization directly connected to the public. Among its functions is the dissemination of religious awareness through preaching, Friday sermons, publications, and social media. Additionally, it serves a broad sector of students in the field of Quran memorization. The institution contributes to religious, social, and national awareness, but there is a need for continuous enhancement in these areas. Particularly, there is a need to strengthen the role of the authority in solidifying the national project realistically, benefiting from its strong presence in society and the community's trust in it to enhance its role in this field.

General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowments

How can businesswomen be empowered to connect their businesses with both consumers and suppliers, enabling them to obtain production inputs from suppliers and efficiently reach consumers to sell their products and services?

Increasing opportunities for launching projects for all segments of society, with a special focus on women. Empowering women to initiate projects and engage in e-commerce. Generating new job opportunities in business. Achieving financial stability for women. Saving time and effort. Connecting businesswomen with consumers and suppliers. Streamlining government procedures (zero bureaucracy).

General Women's Union

How can deal with the massive flow of data across social media and other digital platforms, resulting in undesirable behaviors among the youth?

All undesirable behaviors are monitored through reports received from various federal law enforcement agencies. These data and reports are dealt with by studying and analyzing them, revealing that the majority of the causes behind such behaviors stem from the impact of social media programs on the youth. This influence leads to family problems and can escalate to criminal activities. One of the challenges we face is the overwhelming and rapid influx of data that surpasses human capacity to handle.

Ministry of Interior

How can we facilitate for users to access legal information and consultations from the ministry?

The Ministry of Justice works towards providing legal advice and legal awareness for various segments of society through the Ministry of Justice website, social media applications, and responding to all inquiries through contact centers. Due to the technical nature of judicial and legal services, it can be challenging for stakeholders to access clear, easy, and simplified answers to the legal issues they encounter.

Ministry of Justice